Safety & Security

Improve safety and security

A network video solution from Axis offers a wide range of possibilities to make your store less attractive for break-ins and robberies. As a result, you benefit from a safer work environment and reduced costs.


Ensure staff security and protect your assets

Reliable protection is not only important during lonely nights at a gas station or a 24-hour convenience store. It is as relevant in stores with large amounts of cash, high-value products or high-risk products, such as medicine and alcohol.

screenWith Axis network video, extra cameras are easily added to specific product sections or check-out areas. It also allows for remote storage of video images, ensuring that recordings are protected from intruders.

High-quality video is a great help when investigating crime. It is usable for police identification purposes and can be viewed hundreds of times without losing quality. Overall, it saves valuable time when it comes to proving that a crime has been committed.


Enhance surveillance efficiency with intelligent video

The use of intelligent cameras with motion detection and active tampering alarm helps to quickly detect suspect actions outside a store or inside a store after opening hours. Cameras automatically send images to your security guard’s phone or PDA, enabling the guard to assess whether action is required. This also saves time earlier wasted in responding to false alarms.