Customer Experience

Enhance customer experience

Fierce retail competition, demands that you always keep your customers in mind. Axis network video solutions offer several means to improve customer experience, helping you stay ahead of competition.


Provide a safe environment

A dark parking lot, broken glass, or fear of being robbed outside a store are strong deterrents to shoppers. When you inform your customers about your network video initiatives, a sense of security greatly adds value to your store.


Make shopping easy

Network cameras can identify empty shelves and alert staff when shelves need to be restocked.

ladespensaThey can also advise the staff when a queue is too long, so that more cash registers are opened to accommodate the crowd. In other words, network video enables you to place staff where they are most needed, and to optimize staff shifts to meet customer demands. Long queues, empty shelves and blocked aisles are history, paving the way for true customer satisfaction.