Security Solutions

CCTV Services provides a complete range of security solutions for a broad spectrum of industry segments and applications. Whether you need a few cameras, or a few hundred, our solutions are easy to install and easy to adapt to changing needs.

Shoplifting and employee theft continues to be a serious problem with most retail outlets. Careful placement of security cameras where they are fully visible, not only helps to deter stealing, they can assist the police with video surveillance when crimes do occur.


The safety of passengers on public transportation has become increasingly important, especially in cities, and large metropolitan areas. Violence and brutal attacks by gangs and criminals can be reduced with security cameras, and clearly placed signs that notify passengers the area is under surveillance.


The occurrence of robbery and attacks when banking customers withdraw money from ATM’s has been on the rise. A single camera is not always the solution. Placing a series of CCTV security cameras along escape routes will often help law enforcement officers identify the criminals.


There is always controversy when it comes to public surveillance. However, when security cameras are used for protection and not for spying, they prove to be one of the best ways to protect our citizens. The benefits derived from keeping our families and children safe from predators, murderers, thieves, and criminals, far exceed the intrusion factor. When we as a society act responsibly, we can reduce spying from agencies and individuals.


The very sad reality of the senseless killing of innocent students and faculty at our educational facilities and campuses is an unforgivable crime against humanity. Security cameras cannot prevent deranged individuals from taking action against innocent victims, but these cameras can be a first alert of impending trouble. When campus security views a potential threat, they can take immediate action, and hopefully eliminate any and all casualties.


Government buildings have always been a target for attacks from terrorists, disgruntled employees, and angry citizens. When these aggressive actions are successful, countless lives are lost. CCTV security cameras can help prevent the assault on our public buildings by alerting security personnel when unusual activity takes place.


The need for watchful security cameras in our hospitals, operating rooms, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes has become a necessity. Malpractice insurance claims have increased premiums to the point where health insurance is beyond the budget of many individuals. And reports of abuse in assisted living care and nursing homes is on the rise. We need to make sure our parents and loved ones are secure, protected, and safe in these facilities. When the staff is aware they are being monitored, abuse is often eliminated.


On the job accidents and injuries are sometimes unavoidable. Most companies take extra precaution to protect their workers, but there are some manufacturers that do not provide a safe working environment. And there are also employees that misuse the system to gain wrongful compensation for injuries that never happened. CCTV cameras placed in assemble plants, warehouses, offices, etc. can reduce dishonest claims and protect both employee and employer.


Terrorism is a word that has become all to familiar. Protecting our power plants, water treatment facilities, and other critical infrastructure has become of paramount importance. We depend on these resources to carry on with our daily lives. If any of our utilities are disrupted for even a few hours, this can have a ripple effect that can endanger life and property. It is vital to keep these facilities safe and secure .

Retail Security SolutionsTransportation Security SolutionsBanking Security Solutions
Public Suveillance Security SolutionsEducational Instutution Security SolutionsGovernment  Facilities Security Solutions
Healthcare Security SolutionsIndustrial and Manufacturing Security SolutionsCritical Infrastructure and Power Plant Security Solutions