
Turning challenges into possibilities

Far too often we hear about educational facilities that have been exposed to vandalism, violence or burglary. As a result, valuable resources are lost to cumbersome repairs and investigations. A network video solution from Axis enables you to stay focused on your core business – education. It also gives you a future-proof and cost-efficient tool to:

  • Increase the security for students and staff
  • Prevent violence and theft
  • Minimize the costs for vandalism
  • Investigate incidents and identify suspects


Securing indoor and outdoor facilities

You benefit from the market’s broadest range of network cameras, with models suitable for all educational environments, including:

  • Hallways and corridors
  • Class rooms, computer rooms, etc.
  • Canteens, libraries and sports facilities
  • Entrances and exits
  • Parking lots and campus areas

With Axis, you get a surveillance system that enables remote access to video from any number of branch offices from a single location. The complete system is easily connected to your existing network infrastructure and computers, thus keeping installation and maintenance costs low.


Automatic alerts around the clock

If a camera is tampered with, or if there is noise or motion in a building off hours, your security staff receives an automatic notification from the cameras, enabling them to quickly evaluate the situation and act accordingly. If needed, high-quality video images can directly be shared with patrolling officers or local police via the Internet or mobile devices.

Axis network video solutions have helped many schools and universities to improve their overall image – will yours be the next?