Computar 12.5-50 mm, DC-iris Lens

– Suitable for color and day/night cameras
– Telephoto, 12.5-50 mm lenses
– IR-corrected lenses
– DC-iris and P-Iris


Megapixel lens to see it all
With its unique HD optical design, the Computar 12.5-50 mm lenses provide larger image circle for exceptional brightness and clarity in corners and throughout image plane. The focal length is 12.5–50 mm and the lenses fast aperture (F-number) is 1.4.


Compatible cameras
The Computar 12.5-50 mm Lenses with DC-iris and with P-Iris are recommended for use with the following Axis cameras. The lenses are day/night corrected and therefore no adjustments will be needed when the IR-cut filter of the day/night camera disengages.


Computar 12.5-50 mm, DC-iris Lens:

Camera Image sensor Angle of view
AXIS P1353/-E 1/3″ 20°-6°
AXIS P1354/-E 1/3″ 20°-6°
AXIS Q1602/-E 1/3″ 20°-6°
AXIS Q1604/-E 1/3″ 20°-6°


Computar 12.5-50 mm, P-Iris Lens:

Camera Image sensor Angle of view
AXIS P1355/-E 1/2.8″ 23°-7°
AXIS P1357/-E 1/3.2″ 19°-6°