Built-in IR illumination

Axis’ intelligent and unique built-in IR solution is based on new, power-efficient LED technology. It is designed for easy, cost-efficient and environmental friendly installation. It results in high-quality, low-noise video, even when the environment is completely dark.


Often, a too narrowly illuminated area will produce ‘white out or glare’ in the middle of the scene, and some areas will not be correctly illuminated. On the other hand, a too widely illuminated area means that light will shine on objects outside the area of interest, and also that the viewing distance will be reduced. Axis’ built-in IR solution takes into consideration the field of view of the camera in order to adapt the angle of IR illumination to the scene.


Axis’ IR illumination solution is custom-made for the requirements of Axis network cameras with built-in IR. The solution has been optimized for the camera’s view angles and gives a very even illumination across the entire area of illumination.

Comparison of IR illuminations

Comparison without and with Axis’ IR illumination solution

To the left is an image example where a too narrow area is illuminated. To the right is an image example with even illumination across the entire scene.